Monday, November 07, 2005

Face It, Ellen—Dogwalk Up Contact is Just Going to be Hosed

So today Tika started going around the 4x4 (only about 12" long) on the ground and jumping on from the side. So I put a longer one down, so she started really shortening her stride so she could hit the dirt between the 4x4 and the up contact. I finally got it rearranged so that she is again hitting the contact zone, although not as solidly in the middle as she did for about 3 preceding sessions.

Oh well, we'll either get them or we won't.

She's been knocking bars in practice but I've been trying to make it hard for her to keep them up, quietly stopping and going back if she does knock them, and playing extra wildly with her when she does the exercise correctly. I hope the practice pays off...

I have almost everything assembled and packed. It has taken me 2 days. Why so much longer than for a mere 2-day trip? (Usually takes me 2-3 hours, even with all of my shortcuts such as having a grooming kit already assembled, all dog equipment in one place in the garage, storing a bunch of it in the van all the time anyway, and so on.) Seems to be something intimidating about a 7-day, 1500-mile trip.

OK, I'm off to chop up 15,000 pounds of rollover.
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