Sunday, June 07, 2009

Gamblin' Tika, Why She Gambles, No One Knows

SUMMARY: She's such a reliable, experienced dog.

Despite my unclear handling techniques, none-the-less, she got the Masters Gamble last weekend. About 1/3 of the dogs got it, so it wasn't undoable, but I'd say maybe half of those used the technique that we did--swing the dog into you and back out, or around you, then send to the correct end of the tunnel.

We just barely made time--you can see how much time we spent getting lined up after the buzzer and then getting Tika onto the Aframe and then into the correct end of the tunnel. And she did it all because she's a good reliable experienced dog! There was a time I never thought I'd be able to say that about her--

A friend, Mary P, just let me know that she videotaped our run and posted it on youtube. Here's the video and the course map with my scribbles about our plan and what actually happened.

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At 1:31 PM, June 07, 2009 , Blogger Elf said...

I meant to point out her lovely, difficult weave entry--she had to actually change lead to move left and then again to get into the weaves. Clever dog!

At 5:43 PM, June 07, 2009 , Blogger Muttsandaklutz said...

Yeah!! Video. Love seeing Team TMH in action. Gonna go watch your other videos from your earlier post now.

At 3:56 AM, June 09, 2009 , Blogger Johann The Dog said...

Great job!!! Picked up a new 'trick' for our repertoire, thanks! BTW - lovin the vids :)

At 10:11 AM, June 12, 2009 , Blogger Jules said...

Very nice run!


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