Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Correction to June 2 Post About CPE Nationals Q Ribbons

SUMMARY: Some's reading this stuff? And finding errors?

My post for Friday, June 2, said about the CPE Nationals:
You can pick up your Q ribbon immediately--an innovation this year that apparently Haute Dawgs had to convince Linda Eickholdt was a good idea. In years past, you had to wait until the end of the day, and then they'd find you on a list and check you off, so with a Q rate of (usally at CPE trials) better than 50%, there'd have been over 500 ribbons to hand out at the end of the day.

Linda sent me email saying that this was incorrect; that CPE just gives the clubs an idea of how it's been done in the past and it's up to the club to decide how to do it. Since that was not what I heard, I spoke to the appropriate people this last weekend, and sure enough, something got lost in the rumor mill somewhere and I've been told that there was never a problem from CPE about how to do the Q ribbons. So I've corrected that post and am noting it here, too.

Considering that I only ever started this thing as my own personal diary of Life With Agility Dogs, since all my previous attempts failed for one reason or another, it always surprises me to find out what a range of people come across this from time to time. So--all of you, whoever you are, I hope you're enjoying yourselves!
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