Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tika's CPE Titles Count-Down

Well, we'll be off again this weekend for a CPE trial. 5 runs each day for Tika. I've entered Jake in 2 runs a day. We've hardly been practicing at all, Jake and I, but CPE Nationals is only 2 weekends away after this weekend. Last time we went to CPE Nationals, Jake was Reserve (2nd place) highest C-Level dog. Of course--there were hardly any C-Level dogs back then, as Jake was among the first couple in California to make it that high, AND he was two years younger.

So. CPE.

Our next big title will be the CADE (CPE Agility Dog Extraordinaire). On the way there, we could possibly acquire some Extraordinaire titles for individual classes. Here's how many qualifying scores we need:

Class extraordinaireCADE
Full House2212+

The "+" is because the CADE requires 3000 points (where each leg is worth from 15-25 points) as listed above plus an additional 2000 points (an average of another 100 legs) in any combination of classes.
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