Monday, January 30, 2006

Jake's Last USDAA

Or--at least--that's what I'm claiming again (tried this at the 2004 Nationals but then brought him out of retirement back into semi-pro again). He ran Jumpers fairly smoothly but not superfast. I thought he was looking at me more than he should've had to for direction, but in this case I think I was just late or unclear or who knows what. But we had no bobbles, were under time, and earned a Q and a fourth place in Performance (like Veterans) 16". He just looks sometimes, like this time, as if he's working to get over those jumps.

Then for his very last USDAA run, we teamed with our little black dog (LBR) friend Scully the Princess for Babar Pairs. (Because USDAA didn't make the relay a qualifying event for Performance dogs, our club invented Babar Pairs, making a pun on the Barbour Pairs competition in England with a popular little French Bulldog from our club, Babar.) We both ran clean, again not superfast, but placed third of I think 6 pairs.

So he went out in style.

I was working on not crying before his pairs run. I really do just want him to keep going, but it's so iffy.
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